My 1:1 Programs

I am currently conducting all consultations online via video call.

Couple’s Fertility Reset

With the right nutrition and lifestyle, you can increase your chances of conception and give your body the best foundations for a healthy pregnancy. With this program I can help you create the most nourishing environment for your body and fertility to thrive.

Click here to learn more.

Healthy Pregnancy

Mum and baby need higher amounts of nutrients during this crucial phase. Let me help you support the growth of your baby and prevent the depletion of your nutrient reserves. With this program I aim to dispel any confusion around prenatal nutrition.

Click here to learn more.

Nourished Mama

Your body has done the most amazing thing, whether you gave birth to your baby recently or several years ago. but this doesn’t mean it’s the end of looking after yourself. Recovering from birth, supporting your Mama energy and starting to replenish your reservoir of nutrients is essential not only to a new mum’s wellbeing but also to baby’s first months of life or your older children

Click here to learn more.


Test ‘n Thrive Programs

My 1:1 nutrition programs which include advanced functional tests to help you get to the root cause(s) of your struggles

Designed for just one individual of the couple - to go deeper into your story and experience the power pf personalization from advanced functional medicine testing

(Test costs included in price of the program and all the ordering done for you!)

Vaginal Health

Vaginal + Thryoid Health

Vaginal + Thyroid + Gut Health